Create a Task

Create tasks for your team


Last Update hace 8 meses

As a project owner or manager, you have the power to create tasks for the people on your team and assign them certain responsibilities.

Here's how you can do it:

  • On your project page, click the Create Task button
  • Add a collaborator by entering their email or username
  • Pick one of the services available (Video Editing/Graphic Design etc.)
  • Select the Due Date from the calendar
  • And add whatever extra information you need about the project in the Description field
  • Now you just have to click the Create button
  • And you’re done! Your collaborator will now see this task in the Assigned Tasks section of his account. They will also get a notification about the same.


Can I modify the task details?

Yes, you can. You can modify the task type, the recipient of the task, the due date, and the description of the task. There's also a chat task where you can add additional details or clarifications.

Can I delete the task?

Yes, you can. Just click on the number in the Create Task tab > Click on the task you want to delete > Click Delete

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