Two-Factor Authentication

Two-step verification


Last Update một năm trước

Two-factor authentication provides enhanced security to your Postudio account, with an OTP verification as an additional security check.

Here's how you can enable it:

  • Sign In to Postudio using your Email and Password
  • Go to My Profile > Account Settings at the top right corner
  • Check the Enable two-factor authentication option
  • You will receive a verification code in your email
  • Come back to Postudio, and type the code you received in your email into the verification popup window, and the two-factor authentication will be enabled.
  • Once enabled, you will receive an OTP on your email each time you log in to your account.
  • This process reduces unauthorized account access and provides more robust protection for your account.


How to disable the two-factor authentication?
  • Disabling two-factor authentication is similar to enabling it.
  • Except here, you'll see the two-factor authentication box enabled. Just uncheck it.
  • Then type in the verification code into the popup window sent to your email for disabling it.

When can I resend the 2FA code?
  • If you have not received the 2FA code(OTP), you can request another using Resend 2FA Code link after 2 minutes of the first request.

Do both enabling and disabling 2FA require OTP?
  • Yes, both enabling and disabling 2FA requires OTP verification.

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