My Tasks

Tasks assigned to you


Last Update 10 months ago

When working on a creative project it’s important to define everyone’s tasks and contributions. 

'My Tasks' are the tasks assigned to you and here's how you locate them:

  • Head to Home Page > My Tasks
  • Underneath will be listed all the tasks assigned to you
  • Click on any of them to begin your work


What are the details shown on the task card?

The task card has the following details:

  • The Task title at the top, which is basically the Project name
  • At the bottom in order: Task type, Task assigned by, Status, and Due date

I can't see a project under Collaborated Projects, but I've been given a task for the same project.

  • The project owner assigned you a task but hasn't made you a collaborator. Hence, you can only get to the project via the task card under the My Tasks section.

How do I get started on my tasks?

  • Click on the Task card to go to the Project page
  • Click on the task details to check the task description, clarify any doubts in the chat
  • Upload any assets if required
  • And request a cloud system (based on your task type), and pick any software, plugin, and hardware for however long you need.
  • You can extend the duration indefinitely and are also provided with live collaboration features to help you communicate and work better on your task.

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